It’s quick and easy to search for the best hotel deals with Solartrip.
Find your stay
- Log in to the Solartrip app
- Navigate to "Stays" > Enter in your trip details:
- City, region or hotel name
- Dates of your stay
- Number of guests
- Select "Search"
- You'll be presented with all available options
- At the bottom of the screen you'll find the option to switch to map view as well as apply filters
Select your stay
- Select a place to stay by clicking on it
- You'll then be able to view important information about the accommodation:
- Amenities
- Location
- Booking policies
- If you are happy with your selection, click "Select room" to proceed
- Next you will have the opportunity to select your room & board type (if available)
Guest details and pay
- Next you'll need to enter the details of the guests staying and any special requests
- You can then review the details of the booking and proceed to payment
- You can pay using Apple Pay, Crypto or by card