When searching for a hotel, you will see an option to specify check-in & check-out times. This option guarantees that you will be able to check-in early or check-out, however some hotels charge a fee for early check-in or late check-out. This fee can vary from a half day rate to a whole day rate. Please note you’ll need to book your hotel room at least a day in advance of your arrival to request an early check-in.
You can also request early check-in or late check-out in the "Special requests" section when making your booking, however this is not guaranteed. We would recommend checking with the hotel or contacting our customer service team to confirm once you have made the booking.
If you have not specifically booked an early check-in, there may be a vacant room when you arrive at your hotel so it's always worth checking with reception. However, can’t guarantee you will get an early check-in as it depends on what is available at the hotel at the time. Note that many hotels provide free luggage storage for your bags which you can use until your check-in time.
Please contact Customer Support if you would like any additional information.