You can book flights on in less than 5 minutes.
Search for your flight
- Select "Flights" at the top of the screen
- Enter your search parameters:
- The city you're travelling from and the destination
- Dates of travel
- Number of passengers
- Then click "Search"
Select your flight
Select your flight from the search results. You can also use the filters at the top of the results page to narrow down your options.
Baggage options & passenger details
- Review the flight details at the top of the page
- Scroll down to select your luggage and flight class (if relevant)
- Next you'll need to enter the passenger(s) details and contact details
- Once all details are added, select "Continue" at the bottom of the screen
Make payment
You can pay with a credit card, debit card, or crypto.
Read the terms and conditions and then select «Pay» to complete your booking.
As soon as your tickets have been issued, we’ll email you a booking confirmation with your itinerary and receipt. We’ll also text your mobile with the status of your booking.