Please note, some fares are non-refundable.
If you have already checked in for the flight, you need to cancel it to process a refund. To do this, contact the airline by phone, via their website, or through their representatives at the airport.
To request a refund for your flight:
1. Head to "My Trips" on the Solartrip platform
2. Select the flight you would like to request a refund for
3. Click "Refund a ticket" on the right-hand side
Next you'll need to confirm whether this is a voluntary or involuntary refund request
Voluntary refund
Here you are given the option to calculate your refund or cancel the tickets completely.
**Note:** If you would prefer to see your estimated refund amount because you are unsure about whether you would like to cancel, please select "I may not fly." We will send you the calculated refund amount, which you can view in the "My Trips" section. The refund amount depends on the fare rules and the service fee that Solartrip charges for processing your refund request.
If you are happy with the estimated amount and would like to cancel your booking, please select “Accept Refund.” If not, select “Cancel Refund.”
Involuntary refund
Please note:
If you are definitely not flying, make sure to cancel your ticket before registration closes. Once the ticket is cancelled, it becomes void and cannot be used.
1. If you select "involuntary refund" you will be shown the following options to select from:
- The flight was cancelled or delayed
- Illness
- Visa denial
- Death of a passenger
2. Once the selected the applicable reason, a pop-up will appear and you'll be given the option to "Cancel" or "Continue".
3. You'll then be asked to submit the supporting documents for the refund request
4. To confirm the request you will also need to enter the code sent to you via email and SMS